Name of company:

John Reed Books

Contact(s) and details:

Charles Goulding, Managing Director

Address and location:

PO Box 257 ~ 2/11 Yandala Street, Tea Gardens
NSW 2324 Australia

2 hours 30 minutes by car N of Sydney on NSW coast

Website address:

Geographical coverage:

ANZ: a strong NZ connection, and association with
Bookreps New Zealand (see their entry)

General description including areas of specialism, if any:

Distributes a wide range of non-fiction, with an emphasis on illustrated

Warehousing facility and location:

On site

Policy and criteria for distributed list selection, if any:

Would consider lists which fit/complement the JRB portfolio

Sales and marketing team details:

5 commission sales representatives

Normal business model(s) for distributor trading:


Stocking and replenishment policy:

Sea freight and air freight, regular shipments
fortnightly ex-UK

Use of local printing and Print on Demand (POD):


Lead times for new title information ahead of overseas pub:

Two months; consignments received are managed into a pipeline of releases