Name of company:

Woodslane Pty

Contact(s) and details:

David Scott, Managing Director

Address and location:

10 Apollo Street, Warriewood, NSW 2012 Australia
33 km North of Sydney CBD, 40 minutes by car

Website address:

Geographical coverage:


General description including areas of specialism, if any:

  • Independent distributor of both local and international consumer non-fiction lists
  • Woodslane has its own non-fiction publishing in the area of outdoor activity
  • Creates and sends to trade customers monthly lists of new titles across all subject
    areas from all clients
  • Has share in, and runs third-party logistics for, lively children’s book club targeted
    at schools, Red Gum:
  • Market access to all channels; including gift through online retailer Books and
    Gifts Direct (BGD:
  • Facilitates client contact with suitable partners for co-publishing/adaptation where


Warehousing facility and location:

On site at Warriewood address above

Policy and criteria for distributed list selection, if any:

Ready to consider nonfiction lists, including niche.

Sales and marketing team details:

Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, In-house telemarketing, sales agents in all key states

Number of active customers on customer base:


Normal business model(s) for distributor trading:

a) Distribution on consignment
b) Third-party logistics
c) Sales and marketing only: trade representation and consumer/targeted marketing

Stocking and replenishment policy:

Sea freight and air freight as appropriate/required

Use of local printing and Print on Demand (POD):

Not at present, but capability exists, preferred for higher-priced lower-volume items

Lead times for new title information ahead of overseas pub:

Four months

Attendance at international bookfairs:

FBF, LBF, not every year. Skype calls scheduled with clients.

Sales conference season if any:

Late January/early February