Name of company:

David Bateman Ltd

Contact(s) and details:

Bryce Gibson, General Manager

Address and location:

Unit 2/5 Workspace Drive
Auckland 0618

30 mins by car from Auckland CBD, on the NW shore of the harbour

Website address:

Geographical coverage:

New Zealand

General description including areas of specialism if any:

  • A long-established (1979) family-owned independent distributor with almost fifty
    client publishers from New Zealand, Australia the UK and the US
  • Publishes its own substantial list of New Zealand books
  • Recently invested in new systems and premises
  • Co-edition publishing with NZ and overseas partners

Warehousing facility and location:

On site

Policy and criteria for distributed list selection, if any:

Seeks long-term partnerships with compatible publishers who will contribute to DB business

Normal business model(s) for distributor trading:

Consignment or buy-and-sell

Stocking and replenishment policy:

Sea freight consolidation

Use of local printing and Print on Demand (POD):

See above on co-editions

Lead times for new title information ahead of overseas pub:

9 months for preliminary information, 6 months for confirmed

Attendance at international bookfairs: