Name of company:

Blue Duck Books

Contact(s) and details:

Rachael Iversen, Director

Address and location:

Unit 2, Building G, 27-29 William Pickering Drive, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand

On N shore of Auckland harbour, 20 minutes by car from Auckland CBD

Website address:

Geographical coverage:

New Zealand

General description including areas of specialism, if any:

  • An independent distributor of children’s books established in 2005
  • Specialising in mass-market lists
  • Strong international representation, mostly UK


Warehousing facility and location:

Multi-product outsourced warehouse located near Auckland airport enables speed to market

Policy and criteria for distributed list selection, if any:

  • Children’s books only
  • Seeking more ‘must-have’, ‘door-opening’ lists


Sales and marketing team details:

Three commission sales representatives

Customer base:

All market channels, with special focus on gift fairs, school and kindergarten supply, school bookfairs

Normal business model(s) for distributor trading:

Buy-and-sell, commitment to holding local stock. Pricing to market on a net-pricing basis rather than a discount off overseas retail price.

Stocking and replenishment policy: mostly sea freight, special use of drop-shipment from East Asia printers, notably Hong Kong

Use of local printing and Print on Demand (POD):

None at present

Lead times for new title information ahead of overseas pub:

Five months

Attendance at international bookfairs:


Sales conference season if any: